Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Maths Lesson...

Luckily, I managed to find a small trolley today (not wishing to buy more than I can physically carry home, uphill), and once I'd negotiated my way around the mountains of BBQ charcoal and beer (Fathers Day on Sunday), I arrived at the milk. Now, for the past coupe of weeks I've noticed a bright yellow '3 for £3' label on the shelf and has assumed (wrongly as it turned out) that this applied to my usual 2-pint bottles. On closer inspection it actually referred to the nearby 4-pint giants. The smaller bottles were, in fact, '2 for £3', and individually the 2-pint bottles were £1.69 with the 4-pint ones at £1.49. Maths never has been, and never will be, my strong point, so there I was, in the middle of the aisle, trying to work out which was the better deal! In the end I chucked 3 of the larger 4-pint bottles into the trolley and simply hoped I'd made the right choice.

Managing to stick relatively rigidly to my list (albeit with a small lapse to buy a £1 can of air freshener) I was back at the toilet rolls again. After my umming and aaahhh ing the other day I'd decided that if the deal was still available, the next time I did the weekly shop I'd opt for the 9-roll packs at  £3.99 each with the '5p off a litre of fuel' offer if I bought two lots. However, once I was back home and had checked my till receipt to make sure that all was as it should be, I wasn't particularly impressed to find that my £3.99 packs were charged at £4.15 each! I'm not amused...

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